Account Administration
Account Administration Panel
- On the bottom of the left side menu click your name and navigate to Account.
- Your Account Administration Panel will appear.
- Review or make required changes as indicated in the table below:
Item | Control | Description |
1 | User Name | Change your user name |
2 | Password | Reset your account password |
3 | Dark Mode | Turn on and off dashboard dark mode |
4 | Account Name | Change your account name |
5 | Plan | Upgrade your Plan to the Ubiq Enterprise Plan |
6 | Billing Contact | Add or change your account's billing contact |
7 | Two-Factor Authentication | Turn on or off MFA |
8 | Require Two-Factor Authentication For Your Team | Require all team members on your account to use MFA (Note: You must be an administrator, and have MFA enabled, to enabling this feature for your team) |
Updated 9 months ago