Permissions Matrix

Here's how roles relate to specific actions users can complete

Create dataset
Edit dataset name or description
Delete dataset
Update dataset encryption algorithm
Dataset Groups
Create dataset group
Edit dataset group name or description
Delete dataset group
Add or remove datasets from dataset group
API Keys
Create API key
Delete API key
Enable or disable API key
Roll API key
Edit API key name or description
Associate API key with dataset group
Restrict API key access to IP address or range
Primary Keys
Rotate primary encryption key
Change primary key rotation schedule
Disable primary key
Edit dataset group name or description
Data Encryption Keys
Rotate data encryption key
Change data key rotation schedule
Team Management
Invite users
Remove users
Account Management
Change user-specific user name
Reset user-specific password
Edit account name
Edit billing contact
Enable and disable multi-factor authentication for user-specific account
Enable and disable multi-factor authentication for entire account
WebUI Panel Visibility
Dataset Groups
API Keys
Primary Keys
Security History

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