Python Library

Step-by-step instructions for protecting data in your Python application

Ubiq Security Python Library

The Ubiq Security Python library provides convenient interaction with the
Ubiq Security Platform API from applications written in the Python language.
It includes a pre-defined set of classes that will provide simple interfaces
to encrypt and decrypt data

This library also incorporates Ubiq Format Preserving Encryption (eFPE). eFPE allows encrypting so that the output cipher text is in the same format as the original plaintext. This includes preserving special characters and control over what characters are permitted in the cipher text. For example, consider encrypting a social security number '123-45-6789'. The cipher text will maintain the dashes and look something like: 'W$+-qF-oMMV'.


See the Python API docs.


Using the package manager:

You may want to make sure you are running the latest version of pip3 by
first executing

pip3 install --upgrade pip

You don't need this source code unless you want to modify the package. If you just want to use the package, install from PyPi using pip3, a package manager for Python3.

pip3 install --upgrade ubiq-security

Installing from source:

From within the cloned git repository directory, Install from source with:

cd ubiq-python
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 install

You may need to run the python3 commands above using sudo.

The Ubiq Security libraries are dependent on M2Crypto which has specific requirements as well which varies depending upon your actual environment. If you encounter problems installing the Ubiq Security libraries, please see M2Crypto for the latest notes and instructions.


  • Python 3.5+


The library needs to be configured with your account credentials which is
available in your Ubiq Dashboard credentials. The credentials can be
explicitly set, set using environment variables, loaded from an explicit file
or read from the default location [~/.ubiq/credentials]

import ubiq_security as ubiq

Read credentials from a specific file and use a specific profile

credentials = ubiq.configCredentials(config_file = "some-credential-file", profile = "some-profile")

Read credentials from ~/.ubiq/credentials and use the default profile

credentials = ubiq.configCredentials()

Use the following environment variables to set the credential values


credentials = ubiq.credentials()

Explicitly set the credentials

credentials = ubiq.credentials(access_key_id = "...", secret_signing_key = "...", secret_crypto_access_key = "...")

Handling exceptions

Unsuccessful requests raise exceptions. The class of the exception will reflect
the sort of error that occurred. Please see the Api Reference
for a description of the error classes you should handle, and for information on
how to inspect these errors.

Encrypt a simple block of data

Pass credentials and data into the encryption function. The encrypted data
will be returned. The plaintext input needs to be an instance of either bytes, bytearray or memoryview

import ubiq_security as ubiq

encrypted_data = ubiq.encrypt(credentials, plaintext_data)

Decrypt a simple block of data

Pass credentials and encrypted data into the decryption function. The plaintext data
will be returned. The encrypted input needs to be an instance of either bytes, bytearray or memoryview

import ubiq_security as ubiq

plaintext_data = ubiq.decrypt(credentials, encrypted_data)

Encrypt a large data element where data is loaded in chunks

  • Create an encryption object using the credentials.
  • Call the encryption instance begin method
  • Call the encryption instance update method repeatedly until all the data is processed.
    The input data element must be an instance of either bytes, bytearray or memoryview objects.
  • Call the encryption instance end method
import ubiq_security as ubiq

# Process 1 MiB of plaintext data at a time
BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024

# Rest of the program

   encryption = ubiq.encryption(credentials, 1)

   # Write out the header information
   encrypted_data = encryption.begin()
   # Loop until the end of the input file is reached
   while True:
       data =
       encrypted_data += encryption.update(data)
       if (len(data) != BLOCK_SIZE):

   # Make sure any additional encrypted data is retrieved from encryption instance
   # and resources are freed
   encrypted_data += encryption.end()

Decrypt a large data element where data is loaded in chunks

  • Create an instance of the decryption object using the credentials.
  • Call the decryption instance begin method
  • Call the decryption instance update method repeatedly until all the data is processed
    The input data element must be an instance of either bytes, bytearray or memoryview objects.
  • Call the decryption instance end method
import ubiq_security as ubiq

# Process 1 MiB of encrypted data at a time
BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024

# Rest of the program

    decryption = ubiq.decryption(creds)

    # Start the decryption and get any header information
    plaintext_data = decryption.begin()

    # Loop until the end of the input file is reached
    while True:
    	data =
        plaintext_data += decryption.update(data)
        if (len(data) != BLOCK_SIZE):

    # Make sure an additional plaintext data is retrieved and
    # release any allocated resources
    plaintext_data += decryption.end()

Ubiq Format Preserving Encryption

This library incorporates Ubiq Format Preserving Encryption (eFPE).


  • Please follow the same requirements as described above for the non-eFPE functionality.
  • This library has dependencies on ubiqsecurity-fpe library available for download in the Ubiq GitHub/GitLab repository.


You will need to obtain account credentials in the same way as described above for conventional encryption/decryption. When
you do this in your Ubiq Dashboard credentials, you'll need to enable the eFPE option.
The credentials can be set using environment variables, loaded from an explicitly
specified file, or read from the default location (~/.ubiq/credentials).

Require the Security Client module in your Python class.

import ubiq_security as ubiq
import ubiq_security.fpe as ubiqfpe

Encrypt a social security text field - simple interface

Pass credentials, the name of a Field Format Specification, FFS, and data into the encryption function.
The encrypted data will be returned.

ffs_name = "SSN";
plain_text = "123-45-6789";

credentials = ubiq.ConfigCredentials('./credentials', 'default');

encrypted_data = ubiqfpe.Encrypt(
print('ENCRYPTED ciphertext= ' + encrypted_data + '\n');

Decrypt a social security text field - simple interface

Pass credentials, the name of a Field Format Specification, FFS, and data into the decryption function.
The decrypted data will be returned.

ffs_name = "SSN";
cipher_text = "300-0E-274t";

credentials = ubiq.ConfigCredentials('./credentials', 'default');

decrypted_text = ubiqfpe.Decrypt(
print('DECRYPTED decrypted_text= ' + decrypted_text + '\n');

Additional information on how to use these FFS models in your own applications is available by contacting Ubiq.

Encrypt For Search

The same plaintext data will result in different cipher text when encrypted using different data keys. The Encrypt For Search function will encrypt the same plain text for a given dataset using all previously used data keys. This will provide a collection of cipher text values that can be used when searching for existing records where the data was encrypted and the specific version of the data key is not known in advance.

credentials = ubiq.ConfigCredentials('./credentials', 'default');
ffs_name = "SSN";
plain_text = "123-45-6789";

ct_arr = ubiqfpe.EncryptForSearch(credentials, ffs_name, plain_text)
credentials = ubiq.ConfigCredentials('./credentials', 'default');
ffs_name = "SSN";
plain_text = "123-45-6789";

ct_arr = ubiqfpe.EncryptForSearch(credentials, ffs_name, plain_text)