Snowflake Integration
Step-by-step instructions for protecting data in your Snowflake application

Ubiq Encryption in Snowflake
The Ubiq Security Snowflake library provides a convenient interaction with the Ubiq Security Platform API from applications written to interact with the Snowflake Data Cloud. Included is a pre-defined set of functions and classes that will provide a simple interface to encrypt and decrypt data.
This repository contains Snowflake user-defined functions (UDFs) that wrap the Ubiq Python library to enable UDF-based encryption and decryption operations within Snowflake data platform. UDFs are defined and deployed using the Snowpark library, a Snowflake client API for interacting with Snowflake and defining/deploying Snowflake objects.
Note: The Snowflake library is currently only supported for Azure- and AWS-hosted Snowflake environments. If you are running Snowflake on GCP, please contact Ubiq Support.
Previous Versions
If older versions of the Ubiq UDFs exist on snowflake, remove them with the following SQL queries:
-- Know your stage name! uses `ubiq_package_stage`.
LIST @ubiq_package_stage PATTERN='.*';
-- Once you are ready, either use this
REMOVE @ubiq_package_stage PATTERN='.*';
-- Or specify individually with the NAME column, eg:
REMOVE @ubiq_package_stage/80661511034a408d96f01ae595b99e6e3251e59feebc8833442c303ba5a9cade/;
Snowflake will keep older versions around and it is hard to tell which version of the
it will ultimately be using. Cleaning up old versions can help eliminate this obscurity.
- Python 3.8
Install the required packages by running the following command from the top-level of the ubiq-udf project directory:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Ensure Anaconda packages have been enabled in Snowflake per
To deploy the Snowflake Ubiq UDFs, run the following command (replace "\" with "^" if running on Windows):
python \
--account="..." \
--user="..." \
--password="..." \
--warehouse="..." \
--database="..." \
Arguments are defined as follows:
- account: snowflake account name (excluding https:// prefix)
- user: snowflake username
- password: snowflake password
- warehouse: name of the Snowflake warehouse
- database: name of the Snowflake database in which to create Ubiq UDFs
- schema: name of the schema in which to create Ubiq UDFs
Below is an example invocation of the UDF deployment script using dummy values(replace "\" with "^" if running on Windows):
python \
--account=pozvoni-dt53742 \
--user=testuser \
--password=testpassword \
--warehouse=COMPUTE_WH \
--database=UBIQ_SANDBOX \
If the user has multiple roles, you will need to adjust the
to include a role as appropriate
Snowflake (SQL)
You will need to run all of the statements listed in both initialize_ubiq_external_functions.sql
and ubiq_functions.sql
Note: For Azure-hosted Snowflake environments, a mutual consent between Azure and your Snowflake tenant needs to be granted. Please contact Ubiq Support to provide environmental information to produce the consent link and to grant Azure consent.
Ubiq will provide you with a tenant id, application id, and broker URL to use during set up.
Note: For AWS-hosted Snowflake environments, a mutual consent between AWS and your Snowflake tenant needs to be granted. Please contact Ubiq Support to provide environmental information.
Ubiq will provide you with a
and broker URL to use during setup. You will need to provide theAPI_AWS_IAM_USER_ARN
and `API_AWS_EXTERNAL_ID`` given by Snowflake to be authorized to use the external (broker) functions.
- Creates the external (broker) functions needed for Snowflake to communicate with Ubiq. These perform the following functions:
- Consumes REST request from Snowflake data platform
- Converts them to a format expected by the intended Ubiq API and queries the applicable Ubiq API
- Parses the Ubiq API response and returns the data in an array format consumable by Snowflake
- Defines the functions for interacting with the Ubiq encryption service. Ties the user defined functions to aliases that ensure consistent usage of the platform and handle communication with credentials stored in the current session.
The Client Library needs to be configured with your API Key Credentials which are available in the Ubiq Dashboard when you create a Dataset. Credentials will be used when setting up the environment to use the Ubiq functions.
In a production deployment, it is critical to maintain the secrecy of Ubiq API Key Credentials (SECRET_CRYPTO_ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_SIGNING_KEY) and API tokens (ACCESS_KEY_ID).
These items SHOULD be stored in a secrets management server or password vault. They should NOT be stored in a standard data file, embedded in source code, committed to a source code repository, or insecurely used in environmental variables.
All Ubiq functions take as input the Ubiq secret crypto access key and the encrypted private key, along with other attributes returned from the respective Ubiq API endpoint. Encrypt functions expect plain text while decrypt functions expect encrypted data, which is binary data for standard decryption or cipher text for Structured decryption. Additionally, structured functions expect the Dataset names. Examples of each encrypt/decrypt UDF is provided below.
Structured Encryption Setup
Before running encryption/decryption operations, the database session will need to be initialized. This is done by calling the following procedure:
CALL ubiq_begin_session(
Arguments are defined as follows:
- dataset_names: The datasets to use structured encryption with. Datasets should be accessible by the API Key. These should be in a single string, separated by commas. eg
- access_key, secret_signing_key, secret_crypto_access_key: Ubiq API Key Credentials available from the Ubiq Dashboard
Structured Encryption
The below command performs structured encryption by calling the Ubiq API to get Dataset metadata corresponding to the given Dataset name (e.g., 'SSN') and an encryption key.
select ubiq_encrypt(
from table
Structured Decryption
The below command performs structured decryption by calling the Ubiq API to get Dataset metadata corresponding to the given Dataset name (e.g., 'SSN') and a corresponding key.
select ubiq_decrypt(
from table
Structured Encrypt for Search
Encrypt For Search is a function set provided to search your database for a value that has been encrypted.
There are two available functions:
ubiq_encrypt_for_search_array(dataset_name varchar, plain_text varchar)
- Returns an array representation, eg['cipher text 1', 'cipher text 2', ...]
ubiq_encrypt_for_search_table(dataset_name varchar, plain_text varchar)
- Returns a table representation with 1 column,cipher_text
, where each row contains a separate cipher text. This is a table function and should be prefixed withtable()
when used in FROM and WHERE clauses.
This gives you flexibility when searching to build the query that best suits your situation.
Sql IN statement
FROM user_data
WHERE encrypted_data IN (
FROM table(ubiq_encrypt_for_search_table(
'hello world'
IN statements require a list of values or a subquery. An array will not work in this situation.
Sql JOIN statement
FROM user_data s
FROM table(ubiq_encrypt_for_search_table(
'hello world'
) t ON s.encrypted_data = t.cipher_text;
Snowflake Sql ARRAY_CONTAINS statement
from user_data
encrypted_data :: variant,
(SELECT ubiq_encrypt_for_search_array(
'hello world'
takes two arguments, (VARIANT, ARRAY)
. Casting the encrypted data to a variant makes this work.
Ending the Ubiq Session
After encrypting/decrypting, you will need to call this function. This will guarantee the environment has been cleaned up and report usage information.
call ubiq_close_session(
Usage Example for High Volume-use Format Preserving Encryption
-- sample encrypt/decrypt using format-preserving encryption of an SSN for high volume
-- this assumes that you
-- 1) have credentials with access to a structured dataset called "SSN"
-- 2) that the structured dataset called "SSN" has an input character set of [0-9]
-- and an output character set of [0-9a-zA-Z] and passthrough character of
-- at least a dash [-]
-- this example pre-caches configuration and keys that will be used in the subsequent
-- encrypt/decrypt events to maximize performance for large datasets
-- warm up configuration and key cache
call ubiq_begin_session('SSN', access_key, secret_signing_key, secret_crypto_access_key);
select * from sample_ssns
-- update column in table
update sample_ssns set ssn_encrypted = ubiq_encrypt('SSN',ssn_plaintext);
update sample_ssns set ssn_decrypted = ubiq_decrypt('SSN',ssn_encrypted);
-- query data from table
select id, ubiq_decrypt('SSN',ssn_encrypted) from sample_ssns;
call ubiq_close_session(access_key, secret_signing_key);
Ubiq API Error Reference
Occasionally, you may encounter issues when interacting with the Ubiq API.
Status Code | Meaning | Solution |
401 | Authentication issue | Check you have the correct API keys, and it has access to the datasets you are using. |
426 | Upgrade Required | You are using an out of date version of the library, or are trying to use newer features not supported by the library you are using. Update the library and try again. |
429 | Rate Limited | You are performing operations too quickly. Either slow down, or contact to increase your limits. |
500 | Internal Server Error | Something went wrong. Contact support if this persists. |
Updated 3 days ago