Event Logs
API requests to the Ubiq Platform are logged including the following information:
- Event Type
- Identifier
- Request Count
- Session
- Product
- Product Version
- API Version
- Timestamp
View Events
- On the left side menu click Events.
- The Events panel appears.
- Filter the Events by date (option).
Click on column headings to sort (option).
Click-and-drag column headings to change the order of the columns (option).
Logged event data is rolled up (aggregated) to make it easier to consume in the UI table, exports, and charts. Aggregation is done according to the following periods and granularity. Don't worry, we keep all of the raw log data too if you ever need it.
Period (age of event) | Rollup (granularity of aggregation) |
0-7 days | 1 millisecond |
8-14 days | 1 second |
15-30 days | 1 minute |
31-90 days | 5 minutes |
91-365 days | 15 minutes |
366+ days | 1 day |
Updated 3 months ago